Remote Switch & Receiver

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Need a handy way to switch you garden lights on from a different location to where the Driver is located...  For example your garden lights are all connected to a driver that you plugged in to a spare power point near your pool equipment, but you don't want to have to go all the way to the pool equipment area just to turn your lights on...  Well this remote switch will help you, it is a wireless switch that can be located in your house, or near the back door that talks wirelessly to the reciever mounted on the driver.  The garden lights will turn on and off with a flick of the switch.

The cost of the remote switch does not include the driver itself, but the switch needs to be fitted to the driver before we hand it over.  so if you like this idea, you buy the remote switch and thenalso purchasethe driver you need (for example a 60watt driver).  we will then fit the receiver to the driver so it is all ready to go, we will also pair the switch to the receiver so all you need to do is plug the driver in , turn it on and start turning your lights on and off via the wireless switch. 

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Wireless Switch and Receiver Unit.

This Handy Remote switch allows you to switch on your garden lighting from anywhere inside your house - Up to 30m away from the Driver.

We have found that in many circumstances the power point that is to be used to power the driver is in an awkward location, behind the BBQ or in with the pool equipment, with no way to turn it ON or OFF without making your way to the power point.  Our solution is a wireless switch which remotely activates a receiver that we wire onto your driver.  The switch does not need batteries and can be mounted on any wall in the house.

- Comes with 1 remote switch & 1 receiver unit in a weatherproof box.

- The receiver must be wired onto the driver at the time of purchase by the technicians at Lumenesk.

- 20m range on the remote switch.

- Switch operates on kinetic energy so there is no need for batteries or power for the switch.

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